Welkam oketa wantoks and frens lo site blo me. This blog aims to keep in touch with friends and wantoks around the globe and sharing ideas on issues that have captured their minds and imaginations. It aims to keep up to date on where we are on the globe and keep up to date with news and Current Affairs in the Solomons. You can publish materials here taken it does not offend others and that they are of academic in nature...so post them here and we'll keep it posted... Welkam Frens
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Solomon Islands Inter-tertiary games kicks of yesterday at the Telekom Training School, with a good number of overseas students participating. The games played are soccer, vollyball, basketball and other games. It is hosted by the USP Laucala Campus and will end on Wednesday this week. I will bring you results of the games later. Also, there was a thanksgiving service held at the St Barnabas Cathedral yesterday evening for all the students studying in various institution in the region.
Monday, November 07, 2005
A Primitive Civilisation: Solomons Back in Time
These are some old photos that I have come across while surfing the net. It really brings one back in time to those times when our ancestors have their own civilisations and their own style of governing, and their own scientific knowledge, which have still being called primitive in the modern times. Personally I do feel that our ancestors have the right to claim that our traditional sciences,knowledge and governance at that time earned the credit to a part of civilisation even the modern elites and knowledge have still to come to terms with...so here are some of the glimpses of our past as we travel through time back to the Solomon Islands:

Warrior with wicker shield and parrying club, Solomon Islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1880's (mounted on album page with photograph of the Suez Canal by Zangaki verso) Photographer: Dufty, Levuka (blind stamped lower right) The man holds a wicker shield, lava lava (New Georgia, Florida, Santa Isabel or Guadalcanal); with his right hand he holds a club or parrying shield, qauata (San Cristobal or Santa Ana).

Young warrior with parrying club, Solomon Islands
Original albumen photograph, c 1880's (on original folio size board mount)
Photographer: Thomas Andrew
The young man holds a club or parrying shield, qauata (San Cristobal or Santa Ana); note also the feathered arm ornaments, beaded body decoration and comb standing upright at the crown of the head.

Fort at Qarep, northwest Malaita, Solomon Islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in the negative and numbered 535)
The native man in the centre wears a Malaita pearl shell ornament, dafi

Women of Ferasibor, Malaita, Solomon islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in the negative and numbered 529)
Three generations of women.

Vella Lavella girl with painted face and shell ear ornaments, Solomon islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in pencil, verso)

Solomon Islands native, Marobo
Real photo postcard, c 1920 (postally unused)
Printed by Kodak, Australia
Photographer unknown

Vanikolo (Vanikoro) natives in canoe, Santa Cruz group, Solomon Islands.
Original photograph, c 1900-1910
Photographer unknown
Inscribed in pencil verso: Last cruise of Flora. Several canoes stuck to us till we were out of sight of land. Vanikolo natives Santa Cruz.
Loss due to careless removal from album.

Warrior with wicker shield and parrying club, Solomon Islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1880's (mounted on album page with photograph of the Suez Canal by Zangaki verso) Photographer: Dufty, Levuka (blind stamped lower right) The man holds a wicker shield, lava lava (New Georgia, Florida, Santa Isabel or Guadalcanal); with his right hand he holds a club or parrying shield, qauata (San Cristobal or Santa Ana).

Young warrior with parrying club, Solomon Islands
Original albumen photograph, c 1880's (on original folio size board mount)
Photographer: Thomas Andrew
The young man holds a club or parrying shield, qauata (San Cristobal or Santa Ana); note also the feathered arm ornaments, beaded body decoration and comb standing upright at the crown of the head.

Fort at Qarep, northwest Malaita, Solomon Islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in the negative and numbered 535)
The native man in the centre wears a Malaita pearl shell ornament, dafi

Women of Ferasibor, Malaita, Solomon islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in the negative and numbered 529)
Three generations of women.

Vella Lavella girl with painted face and shell ear ornaments, Solomon islands.
Original albumen photograph, c 1900 (unmounted)
Photographer: J.W. Beattie, Hobart (titled in pencil, verso)

Solomon Islands native, Marobo
Real photo postcard, c 1920 (postally unused)
Printed by Kodak, Australia
Photographer unknown

Vanikolo (Vanikoro) natives in canoe, Santa Cruz group, Solomon Islands.
Original photograph, c 1900-1910
Photographer unknown
Inscribed in pencil verso: Last cruise of Flora. Several canoes stuck to us till we were out of sight of land. Vanikolo natives Santa Cruz.
Loss due to careless removal from album.
Solomon Islands Arts and Crafts
These are some of our Art and Crafts taken during the 2005 National Trade And Cultural Show, at Honiara, Solomon Islands...There were are whole ranges of different traditional carvings, strings of shell money, necklaces, ladies hand bag, woven mats and tapa drawings...Here are some pictures of Solomon Islands crafts. Click on Image to Enlarge:

Friday, November 04, 2005
International Underwater Photo Contest
November 03, 2005 – 09:07
International Underwater Photo Contest
The contest includes a category for images that focus on conservation and the marine environment, and one specifically for entries taken by compact digital cameras.
2006 - 1st Annual Wetpixel.com and DivePhotoGuide.com International Photo Competition
Wetpixel.com and DivePhotoGuide.com have teamed up to celebrate the beauty and delicacy of the marine environment by developing the first instance of a new, annual, international underwater photography competition.
Photographers will compete in six categories to win more than $25,000 in prizes, including premium dive travel, underwater photography equipment, and more! Dive packages in the prize list include trips to some of the top photo destinations in the world: the Solomon Islands, LembehStrait, Raja Ampat, Komodo, the Galapagos Islands, Papua New Guinea, The Bahamas and Palau! Other prizes include camera housings, strobes, lighting systems, and other valuable items (see website for complete prize list).
The contest includes a category for images that focus on conservation and the marine environment, and one specifically for entries taken by compact digital cameras.
All entrants will receive one free, digital issue of Dive Chronicles Magazine, and all entrants in the Compact Camera category will receive one free photo lesson from renowned underwater photographer, Marty Snyderman, via TheUnderwaterphotographer.com.
Winners will be announced on stage at the 2006 Our World-Underwater festival in Chicago, Illinois (February 24-26, 2006).
15% of entry proceeds will be donated to marine conservation efforts.
By Stephan Whelan
International Underwater Photo Contest
The contest includes a category for images that focus on conservation and the marine environment, and one specifically for entries taken by compact digital cameras.
2006 - 1st Annual Wetpixel.com and DivePhotoGuide.com International Photo Competition
Wetpixel.com and DivePhotoGuide.com have teamed up to celebrate the beauty and delicacy of the marine environment by developing the first instance of a new, annual, international underwater photography competition.
Photographers will compete in six categories to win more than $25,000 in prizes, including premium dive travel, underwater photography equipment, and more! Dive packages in the prize list include trips to some of the top photo destinations in the world: the Solomon Islands, LembehStrait, Raja Ampat, Komodo, the Galapagos Islands, Papua New Guinea, The Bahamas and Palau! Other prizes include camera housings, strobes, lighting systems, and other valuable items (see website for complete prize list).
The contest includes a category for images that focus on conservation and the marine environment, and one specifically for entries taken by compact digital cameras.
All entrants will receive one free, digital issue of Dive Chronicles Magazine, and all entrants in the Compact Camera category will receive one free photo lesson from renowned underwater photographer, Marty Snyderman, via TheUnderwaterphotographer.com.
Winners will be announced on stage at the 2006 Our World-Underwater festival in Chicago, Illinois (February 24-26, 2006).
15% of entry proceeds will be donated to marine conservation efforts.
By Stephan Whelan
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Sunday October 30, 2005: The Solomon Islands Law Students Association (SILSA) at the University of the South Pacific School of Law, Emalus Campus, based in Port Vila, Vanuatu has a new Executive. The election the new Executive took place this morning after a final combined Sunday service organised by the out-going Chris Rarumae led-Executive. The new Executive will look after the affairs of the Association through to the end of 2006. Meanwhile, examinations for law students at Emalus Campus commence tomorrow, Monday 31st October and end on Friday 11th November 2005.

Standing from left to right in the photo below are: Miriam (Chairperson - Finance), Myonnie Samani (Secretary), Albert Kabui (Chairman - Academic), James Junior Kaboke (Sports/Cultural), Philip Fiuka (Treasurer), Florence Joel (Vice-President), Nellie Leafasia (Chair person - Religious Committee) and Andy Kesaka (President).
(Photo courtesy of Sita).

Standing from left to right in the photo below are: Miriam (Chairperson - Finance), Myonnie Samani (Secretary), Albert Kabui (Chairman - Academic), James Junior Kaboke (Sports/Cultural), Philip Fiuka (Treasurer), Florence Joel (Vice-President), Nellie Leafasia (Chair person - Religious Committee) and Andy Kesaka (President).
(Photo courtesy of Sita).
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