Welkam oketa wantoks and frens lo site blo me. This blog aims to keep in touch with friends and wantoks around the globe and sharing ideas on issues that have captured their minds and imaginations. It aims to keep up to date on where we are on the globe and keep up to date with news and Current Affairs in the Solomons. You can publish materials here taken it does not offend others and that they are of academic in nature...so post them here and we'll keep it posted... Welkam Frens
Sunday, June 19, 2005
SIG Student Accomodation
Bulaia Motel, Chinatown, houses the SIG Student Girls.
Tropicana Motel, accodmodated some of the SIG male students.
This is Bulaia Motel, which houses some 50 Solomon Islands Government sponsored students under scholarship at the University of the South Pacific here at its Honiara Centre. The students are currently undergoing their first year degree courses at the USP (SI) Centre, which is a policy set by the National Training Council that required students to complete a maximum of 8 degree courses before being transferred to the main campus in Suva, Fiji.
The students are accommodated at various motels in town, such as the Tropicana Motel at Tandai Highway, and upper Kola’ale and one Motel in Skyline Ridge. Currently, most of the students have done their exams and are on holiday with those doing 30 weeks courses still attending classes at the centre.
Trpicana Motel, West Honiara, houses about 100 students.