Welkam oketa wantoks and frens lo site blo me. This blog aims to keep in touch with friends and wantoks around the globe and sharing ideas on issues that have captured their minds and imaginations. It aims to keep up to date on where we are on the globe and keep up to date with news and Current Affairs in the Solomons. You can publish materials here taken it does not offend others and that they are of academic in nature...so post them here and we'll keep it posted... Welkam Frens
Friday, August 26, 2005
A tour to the USP Center in Solomons
Check this out, this is one place that most of us have spent for the last five or so years. The future of this place now lies with the decisions to be brokered between the government and the University whether this place will transformed into a 4th Campus. Take a tour to the center right here...