Saturday, August 20, 2005

JICA Socio-Economic Survey

During the June-July 2005 break, we did a survey on the Rehabilitation and Improvement of SIWA's water supply and sewerage services. This survey was funded by JICA which looks at how they can improve the sewerage and water supply thorughout the Solomons, and it is part of an on going project beginning 2005 till 2010. The survey took us to the outskirts of Honiara from White River to Tanakake areas. The aim of the survey was to look on the issues people are facing with regard to the consumption and usage of water and the need for sewerage services taking into account thier economic wellbeing and other related social issues. From this study JICA engineers will look into the implementation face of the project; the survey was conducted in Auki, Tulaghi, Noro and Honiara.

Below the JICA Study Team 2005: